23 Affirmations for Joy & Happiness

I’m ready to feel another emotion besides stress.

Janell Marie
2 min readSep 14, 2020
Photo Credit: unsplash

Finding joy in the middle of a struggle should be considered a superpower. Especially now. It’s been hard for me to roll out of bed each day and live the same day over and over and over again.

I haven’t worked since March, making the longest stint of unemployment in my adult-life, and the ending is nowhere in sight.

I caught myself on a downhill emotional slide the other week — late nights, lunchtime “mornings”, disregarding my need for outside — all signs that I needed to pull it together.

I understand mental wellness is a journey with peaks and valleys, so I’m not being hard on myself. I do, however, want to maintain the progress I’ve been making by actively resisting negative thoughts.

For me, resisting includes a break from social media and a heavy dosage of life-affirming words in the form of sermons, books, music, and affirmations.

This week, I’m doubling down on all things joy and happiness. Renewing my mind in this way helps re-frame my outlook on life, replacing negative emotions with positive ones and positioning me to make healthier decisions.

After repeating this list a few times, I’ll be ready for a uni and a cape.

23 Affirmations to Fight Negative Emotions With Joy & Happiness

  1. I am a carrier of joy.
  2. Happiness does not elude me.
  3. I release negative thoughts that try to keep me from joy.
  4. I believe difficult seasons are temporary.
  5. I will look for the light in every area of my life.
  6. My joy is not determined by external things.
  7. I commit to finding a bright side in every situation.
  8. I take ownership of my happiness.
  9. I accept joy as my standard of living.
  10. My past is not allowed to dictate my joy.
  11. I make space for healthy people who have my well-being in mind.
  12. I acknowledge reality without abandoning my stance on joy.
  13. I believe I am worthy of good things.
  14. My heart receives the small joys gifted to me each day.
  15. I prioritize things that bring me joy.
  16. I release toxic habits that have kept me from experiencing bliss.
  17. I will make conscious efforts to bring others joy each day.
  18. My joy comes from the Lord.
  19. The joy of the Lord is my strength.
  20. I choose to celebrate the good things in my life.
  21. I attract joyful people and experiences.
  22. I am an active participant in my happiness.
  23. I envision joy daily and pursue it.

